Eight Reynolds Patterns using Reynolds Saucy Sport Yarn
600- Reynolds Saucy Sport - 60’S Pullover
601- Reynolds Saucy Sport - Hooded Lace Pullover
602- Reynolds Saucy Sport - Classic Aran Pullover
603- Reynolds Saucy Sport - Lace and Damask Vest
604 - Reynolds Saucy Sport - Lace Sampler Pullover
605- Reynolds Saucy Sport - Lace V-Neck Top
606- Reynolds Saucy Sport - Color & Lace Blocked Pullover
608- Reynolds Saucy Sport - Seashell Cardigan
These patterns have been discounted due to the fact that the 3-hole punch, punched over a small portion of the patterns. Good knitters should not have difficulty reading these patterns.